Reindeer Farm
“The starting point for all activities is a healthy, happy reindeer whose life and needs are respected.”
Palosaari Reindeer and Fishing Farm values and ethical guidelines
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The history of the reindeer farm
Satu Palosaari is the sixth generation in her family to keep reindeer and lives on the farm founded by her grandfather, Jalmari Palosaari, in 1920 when he built a log cabin which is still in use.
Sadly Jalmari’s reindeer herd was lost during the Second World War, after which he had only two reindeer left. However, his son, Reino, started farming in 1963 and in 1975 he reintroduced reindeer to the farm.
His daughter, Satu, earmarked her first reindeer in 1982 and took over the family business with her husband in 2009 when Reino retired, having herded reindeer professionally for 36 years. Satu is keeping the family tradition alive with her husband Mika, and sometimes you can also find next generation helping at farm.